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Hawai'i Prayer Breakfast Sponsorship Form



Contributions from our sponsors enable the prayer breakfast committee to invite the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, mayors of all counties, legislators, council members, government officials of various departments, military leaders, high school students and others to participate in the event, besides assisting in covering the expenses of the event.


Read carefully the description for each sponsor level before making your selection. Depending on the category you select, you are entitled to a certain number of complimentary tickets that you may distribute to your own guests. All sponsors will be listed in the event program.


However, should you decide to allow the prayer breakfast committee to use some of your complimentary tickets, we will use these tickets to seat invited guests from among members of the community which include: legislators, present and former government officials, and military leaders. If you wish to have any of these members of the community seated at your table, you may state your preference(s), while we cannot guarantee their placement at your table, we will make every effort to accommodate your preference(s), we cannot guarantee their placement at your table. We ask that you NOT contact these members of the community directly since the committee will be making the seating arrangements for these guests.


Thank you very much for your generous contribution to this most inspiring event!


Please complete the form to be a 2025 Hawai'i Prayer Breakfast Sponsor



When your form is received you will be contacted and emailed a link to:

  • Collect Sponsorship Payment

  • Upload Logo(s)

  • Upload Sponsorship Ad


Mahalo for your signing up to sponsor!You will be contacted by Hawai'i Prayer Breakfast withinformation on how to mail in payment and send in logo(s).




The prayer breakfast will be recorded for future use on our web site and other media outlets.


Your purchase of a ticket or presence at the event constitutes your release of rights to be recorded at the event.



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☎ 1-808-486-8986

⟟ P.O. Box 29804, Honolulu, HI 96820

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